Thursday, July 11, 2013

Days 12,13, 14: Minot, Devil's Lake, North Dakota and the Beginning of Minnesota

So Long Montana!

It was a great day on July 9th, 2013. We woke up in Culbertson, MT and entered into a new frontier.

After six days in the state we saw this glorious sign

Followed by this sign

(To the tune of Oklahoma) Nooooooorrrrrrrrrth Dakota where the wind blows directly in our face!!!

We were greeted with headwind.

Although we finally got a brand new road for Highway 2.

When else in life are you going to be excited to see a new road.

The west side of North Dakota is a booming, booming place.

There is oil sprouting up everywhere and everyone wants a piece or the action.

Or a job.

Never have we seen such a concentrated number of semi-trucks in one area.

Needless to say, we were on our toes when it came to being safe and watching our backs. 

At 10:00am Mountain Standard Time we pulled off to the side of the road and looked back West and saluted to kick-off the official opening of the Hyatt Place Holladay.

Kevin sent that to his GM of the hotel and they sent us back a picture of the whole staff "return[ing] your salute."

We all had a good laugh.

And then pushed on

Luckily we still made it to Minot for our first night in North Dakota.

We stayed at the Hyatt there. Can you believe that? I mean, why would my Dad, Kevin Ludlow, have us stay at a Hyatt? Baffling ;)

"I Know What Day it is?"

"It's Groundhog Day." That was the kick-off of day two in North Dakota from Kevin Ludlow. 

Today was to be a big day. We tallied up 133 miles to Devil's Lake.

Along the way, which was Highway 2 the whole state thru, we actually traveled to the center of the Universe.

Actually, it was of North America...

I don't really see a difference :) *patriotic tune*

We busted it out though.

133 miles to Devil's Lake, North Dakota.

Never have I been so happy to stay at, mention, or see the word Devil.

I almost felt sacrilegious in my celebration.

But c'mon! Level with me for a bit. It was 133 miles, with crosswinds some of the way.

For the name Devil though, it was a gorgeous lake.

Final Push Through the Big ND 

 Today we awoke, had a great breakfast for a change (we weren't able to have Hyatt's :(  ) and rolled on out for what we hoped to be a quick day to the boarder of Minnesota (dontchya know).

We had a 22mph crosswind the WHOLE DAY!

Wind may not matter too much when you are in a car.

On a bike, wind can make or break you.

When it isn't working with you, it can be draining on your energy.

You go slower while exerting such a great amount of effort to push through.

Now I want to share something with y'all. Most who know me know I am one who is the first to pounce on "great" fast and testimony meeting stories. What I am about to say may seem something like that.

It is something though that I have really felt and I cannot deny, so I must thank my God and all of you who are either praying or wishing us the best on this trip.

I have felt at times where I was getting tired I have felt much like the people of Alma from the Book of Mormon where their burdens were lightened by the Lord.

I have felt such energy at the end of some days that should leave me absolutely drained. Although, I don't know how tired I am until I really lie down.

I thank Him for that. And I thank all of the love and support that is being sent our way.

I promise every bit is appreciated.

Today was one of those days where appreciation I feel is overflowing.

Thank you.

But we finally made it.

We made it through the intense side-winds to Grand Forks, ND and across the border to Minnesota.

Please forgive my gums in the first picture. Apparently I pull the Miley Cyrus when I smile and have more gum then teeth.

Big mouth comes with the territory of my big head though :)

Tomorrow we start our trek through our fifth state.

I can't wait to talk to someone who has that awesome accent. Shout out to my MTC comp Elder Seth Jones from Chaska, MN.

Thanks for everything again and more adventure to come tomorrow!

As always let me know what you, the people, want to hear and see.


1 comment:

  1. Have you run into any rain yet? are you finding the bugs are different as you traverse through the different states? have you had anyone ask to read along with you or offer to feed you? Onward ho you crazy guys!!! So glad you are getting to live out this dream.
