Saturday, July 6, 2013

Day 8: Glacier National Park and the Going-to-the-Sun Rd.

Big Kev Ludlow

Riding through the Northern Cascade Mountains and Glacier National Park was one continuous witness of the greatness and handiwork of a loving Heavenly Father.  

It is nothing short of spectacular and awe inspiring.  

We too often think we need to go to far away places to see something special when it is closer than we think.  I love this earth and I have loved visiting almost every place I have been, lived, worked and vacationed. 

And these two most recent places remind me of the truth of the words of the Book of Mormon prophet Alma who wrote, "..and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are on the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."

I thank God for this incredible planet we live on!

Matty Light

So riding through Glacier National Park was dope.  This was the part of the ride that I was most excited for.  

I had heard so many great things about this park so I was super excited. It did not disappoint.  It was the most beautiful place I have ever been too.  

I was so busy taking pictures and admiring the beauty that the climb didn't even phase me.  

Looking back on it, it was the best day of riding I have ever had, and the most beautiful place I had ever been.

Sir Lancelot

Having the opportunity to be the driver for the crew during Glacier Nation Park was incredible! 

I was able to have quite a bit of down time to myself which allowed me to take over a 100 pictures throughout the day. 

I had high expectations for the scenery but the reality of it surpassed everything. 

I had never seen a place so beautiful and full of life! 

Glacier was by far the best day of the entire trip and it's going to be hard to beat. It was honestly the most amazing place I'd ever been. 

I'm glad I have this opportunity and I definitely made the best of it with plenty of pictures! If you ever have the chance to check it out make sure you do! 

Many of you have asked...

...About my furry little friend. Well here is the story.

Matt and I were on the Going-to-the-Sun Rd.

We were slightly ahead of the rest of the group and this main turn called "The Loop."

The Loop is a complete 180 turn that takes you up a road that offers breathtaking views of the mountains, and it's where a lot of the pictures below came from.

We sat there and talked with some nice people who were on their way down the mountain, when all of a sudden I looked down the road and saw him.

My first reaction was "BEAR!" (Imagine Doug from Up) 
I was so freaking excited! He was crossing the road about 40 yards down, so I thought he would just go downhill and that would be it.

Luckily he made a right turn and headed straight towards us. Matt went close, and I told him to stay back.

I was waiting for Mama to come which means RUUUUUUN!!! Bears can run up to 30mph, and that is still bookin' it on a bike.

Luckily she didn't and he came right up looking for food (obviously).

So I became the paparazzi and also shot a video.

He/She was awesome and just shook off all the people around and went on his merry way.

By far the best part of the trip.

Really I can only echo what the other guys have said. This place is a heaven on earth.

It was definitely created by more than just tectonic plates.

This is art. This place is God's artwork and man made it even more enjoyable with a road carved into a mountain completed in 1932.

1 comment:

  1. You guys are my heroes! I feel strangely proud that you guys are doing this. What a cool adventure. I'm envious! Wish I was there. I'd love to hear more about any cool people you meet and unexpected adventures. (Like...what's up with the bear?). I want to see a big bushy ZZ Top goatee on Kevin when you guys get back. Keep the pictures and blog posts coming when you can. Peddle hard and keep the rubber side down.

